who we are

Ceremony is more than a name—it’s a reflection of our values and intentions.

Piercing can be an empowering transformation, a chic fashion statement, a meaningful reclamation, a political symbol of resistance, or a ceremonious ritual.
No matter how you’ve arrived here,
we’re here to support you through your unique journey.

Our team of professional piercers and jewelry technicians are committed to providing safe piercing services and quality jewelry for everyone. With over a decade of experience, and a desire to create meaningful change in our industry and in our world, we present

Ceremony Piercing & Fine Jewelry

We’d love to see you soon.

What it means to be
a worker owned
co-operative in the piercing industry

A co-operative is a business model that places staff and community benefits at the core of it’s purpose, values and practices.

Our business model is guided by community care, horizontal governance, collective decision making and shared ownership. Each staff member is a worker and an owner. In the piercing industry, this means that we can challenge injustice and inequality by:

  • Having an equitable distribution of profits
    Since everyone at Ceremony Piercing is worker- owner, we own the means of our production. This means that only those who contribute to the business will directly benefit from it’s success. We do not have managers or owners who can exploit our labor for their profit.

  • Focusing on client and community relations
    When profits are equitably shared across the staff, we can afford to be more invested in supporting our clients, our community and each other. Without competition, decisions are made democratically to benefit the majority, rather than the few who hold power.

  • Practicing flexibility and innovation
    We can easily adapt structures, policies and implement new ideas in response to staff and client needs. We don’t make decisions out of tradition. Instead we’re constantly evolving to show up as our best selves for clients & for each other.

  • Enjoying workplace harmony
    Since everyone has an equal stake, co-ops foster collaborative, equitable and supportive work environments. High levels of communication and team cohesion benefits our health, safety and service quality. We can also pay ourselves fair wages and maintain positive working conditions.

  • Honoring our identities
    We live in a class based society, which means that we work in a class based industry. Historically, society subscribes to dominant socioeconomic classes such as being wealthy, being male, being white, being cisgendered, being able bodied, etc.

    Being a staff of Queer, Black, Trans, Neurodivergent and Disabled people means that we embody, understand and center our studio around marginalized experience. Although there is nuance, as we all share some dominant identities, we choose to cater to our most marginalized identities here at Ceremony Piercing.

Meet the Team



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a huge thanks

To all of the organizations who
helped us along the way

Baltimore Roundtable for
Economic Democracy

Maryland based coalition for governance
coaching and non extractive lending

Latin Economic Development Center

Equips Latin and marginalized communities
with skills and financial tools to succeed

Seed Commons

CDFI and non profit financial organization shifting power to workers and communities

Gilmore Khandhar

Law Firm focused on policy and advocacy
tools to advance economic justice

Second Chance Thrift

A non profit who sells refurbished construction materials and puts the revenue into workforce development for disadvantaged workers

Tattoo Tax Guys

CPA team dedicated exclusively to piercers,
tattooers and the beauty industry

Maryland Small Business
Development Center

Free individualized counseling from startups to established businesses

Impact Hub Baltimore

Locally rooted, globally connected network
and co-working space

Maryland Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Non-profit organization dedicated
to protecting artists legal rights